Suffering from the common cold or another respiratory illness? A yoga bolster can assist you to clear congestion, relax, and let your body heal. A combination of props, the bolster, the extra height of a blanket or block, the wrapping of a blanket or strap around the body, can support the organs of the body to rest and release. The opening of the body in supported postures heightens functioning and helps integrate the systems of the body. It works to create different conditions to the ones that might be dominant at the time.

The restorative, fully supported postures interrupt the “fight and flight” mode. A beneficial effect is made on anatomy and physiology by the increased space inside the body, the heightened and rhythmic breathing pattern, and increased circulation. Our mental health is improved by this shift in the way our body, brain and emotions might usually interact.

I had quite severe cold/flu symptoms and wanted to curl up in bed and, true enough, rest in bed is what’s needed but I summoned up the energy to do something different for myself, to explore its effect.

Initially lying back over the bolster made me cough a little but, as I stayed, my chest was stretched and softened. My chest, rib cage, diaphragm, even the throat and oesophagus felt softened and relaxed. As this occurred my breathing became freer, and its rhythmic, smooth and gentle quality made me feel less miserable.

The addition of a seed-filled eye pillow gently draped across my eyes purged my sinus headache and soothed the heat in my eyes. This meant I was able to be with myself for a while and I noticed too that the aches and pains in the back, neck and shoulders quickly dissolved, the muscles loosened.
Because of these changed and improved conditions, what felt like being in the middle of an infection was quietened and brought a feeling of reprieve. I then continued the practice with a range of restorative postures that supported my body.

I encourage you to try this approach to managing some of your cold symptoms.

by Loretta Voivodich