registration form


Starting new with us?
Register by completing a medical background form below.

Ways to start: Be flexible and attend your choice of weekly classes or book in for an eight-week beginners course.

These questions help us to know more about you and your body and health conditions, if any.
It is important that your teacher is aware of any medical conditions, past or on-going maintenance of injuries,
so that postures can be modified or substituted as necessary.

    These questions help us to know more about you and your body and health conditions, if any. It is important that your teacher is aware of any medical conditions, past or on-going maintenance of injuries, so that postures can be modified or substituted as necessary.

    * Indicates required field

    Today's Date *

    First Name *

    Surname *

    City/Suburb *

    Phone Number *

    Email *

    Which Class or Course are you booking in to? (Include Date of course or Day and Time of Class)

    Emergency Contact - Name & Relationship *

    Emergency Contact - Phone *

    How did you find out about the class? Facebook, Instagram, Word of mouth, Walking by, Email, Flyer, (or describe) Other?

    How much yoga have you done before?

    What are your reasons for starting yoga?

    Do you have any of the following medical conditions?

    If you answered YES to any of the above, please specify your condition and give further detail if required

    Are you pregnant?
    If yes, when are you due? Any complications with current pregnancy? Any complications with previous pregnancies?

    Do you take any medications?
    If yes, please describe the condition for which it is prescribed?

    Have you ever injured or currently have pain in any of the following areas of your body?

    Is there any reason why you should obtain a medical clearance from your doctor?

    Thank you for your registration, we look forward to sharing yoga with you. We will send an email confirmation of your registration.

    Payment Details:
    After submitting your registration form, please PAY ONLINE HERE